


Ladies competition
Adult classes

Choose one of my Kickboxing or Taekwondo classes in Dorset that fits your schedule best, or even both. Learn the best martial arts and self defence. Understand how to handle yourself, improve your physical condition and stamina at my professional and friendly martial arts classes. I have lot’s of different classes and venues to choose, all you have to do is get in touchsmile

4th Degree Syllabus

My Martial arts private lessons in Dorset are tailored to achieve your personal goals according to your development needs. Get the undivided attention of Master Jones for the best results and rapid development. Pick your preferred training times, including before work and accelerate your learning. These classes are becoming very popular, and shorter versions can be offered as free taster sessions if you’d prefersmile

Amazing kick from young Integrity martial arts boy
Kids classes

My martial arts Childrens classes are focused on building confidence, discipline and movement coordination. I empower the kids to feel safer and teach them valuable life skills as well as the love for movement and fitness. My training prepares them physically and mentally to deal with confrontations and cultivates courtesy, hard work and respect. Sometimes the Children take a while to feel comfortable when meeting new friends, but it’s great to see them develop. I have seen lot’s of Children go on to do great thingssmile

Martial Arts Timetable




Firstly, welcome to Integrity martial arts. We know starting a martial art can be a daunting experience, we aim to make the process simple, stress free and enjoyable. Our purpose is to provide you with the best possible atmosphere and training. If you know which class you want to go to already then all you need to do is either call us or send an e-mail to book your first two free classes, all the contact details are on the contact page. Normally beginners wear any loose clothing for their first couple of classes, things like tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt are fine, all the classes are bare foot except the FAST defence courses wear you wear normal street clothes.

When you arrive at the class ask for the instructor, all the students are very friendly so don’t be embarrassed, introduce yourself and then before you know it your first lesson will be over

After your first two classes if you decide to join then we will give you all the forms and paperwork in your beginners pack. This pack contains all the information you’ll need to start your martial art’s journey. That journey will be one of the most rewarding things you could ever do for yourself or/and your family.

Gradings take place every 3 months for the first six grades and every 6 months for the next four, these are the minimum times, making the time from beginner to black belt roughly four years, however some of my students have taken over twice as long. So you should never rush to take a grading, the true path to success comes to those who are patient

 How many times have we heard people say
“I’ve always wanted to do a martial art”

Well now’s the time to be positive!!



  All the arts that we teach offer so much, if you are not sure, come along and try as many as you want, you may decide that you want to do both. Rest assured which ever art you decide on, and whichever school you attend you will receive a warm welcome.

Kind regards,

Malcolm Jones

 VIII Degree

frequently asked questions

what is kickboxing?

Kickboxing is a practical way of learning how to defend yourself, it combines the kicks from martial arts such as Muay thai, and Taekwondo and mixes them with the devastating punches and footwork of western boxing. Our classes are aimed at the student who wants to increase their fitness and stamina, without performing the rituals that come with some more traditional martial arts. The classes are a superb way to improve your cardio as well as your overall body conditioning


Taekwondo is the scientific use of the body in the method of self defence. A body that has gained the ultimate use of it’s facilities through intensive physical and mental training.

Translated from Korean TAE literally means to jump, kick or smash with the foot, KWON means to destroy with the hand or fist and DO means the art, way or method.

Therefore Taekwondo means foot, hand way. Korean martial arts began more than 2000 years ago and have evolved into what we know as Taekwondo.

Today, Taekwondo has millions of followers throughout the world. It is considered to be one of the most effective forms of self defence when correctly applied, and is also a highly effective way of providing both, mental and physical self development.

Taekwondo is more than just a set of physical exercises. It is more a way of life utilising the tenets of Taekwondo. These tenets help the student to cope with the stress and pressures of everyday life, as well as developing a strong moral code.

What do I need to wear?

For the first couple of classes just wear comfortable sports clothing, tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt are the normal attire for a beginner. When you are ready you can purchase your own uniform from your Instructor. We train in bare feet, however if you have a medical reason then training shoes are acceptable.


Gradings are the method of a students progression in Taekwondo, at first they take place every 3 months, until reaching blue belt, from there until black belt they take place every 6 months. If a student is competent enough, trains hard and takes all their gradings on time, then the period from start to black belt is approx 3 1/2 years.

We are lucky enough to have access to some of the best male and female examiners in the UK. These senior grades have been practising Taekwondo for well over twenty years, so rest assure you’re going to be tested by the best.

Once you have gained your black belt, you are known as a 1st Degree, but this does not mean you are an expert, indeed the first 3 black belt grades are known as ‘novice grades’ with 4th, 5th and 6th Degree’s being ‘expert grades’ you do not call yourself a ‘master until you have reached 7th Degree.

Should I come alone, or with a friend?

You are welcome to join with a friend or by yourself. All our clubs are friendly, inviting and the classes are designed so that you will quickly settle in. There are various levels of fitness in the classes, so don’t worry if you’re not as fit as some of the other students, you will progress at your own pace with the help of the instructors and the other students. They all remember that they too were beginners at one stage. Stay conisitent with your training and soon you’ll be on the track to success.

Do I have to be fit to join?

No, however you will be surprised how your fitness levels will drastically improve with the type of training you are going to receive. We have several schools in the area, so you can train 5 nights a week if you wish.


The best form of protection, no matter if you’ve been training for a significant number of years in martial arts, or purely a beginner, is awareness. That is to be sensible and alert enough to avoid any type of physical, or indeed verbal confrontation. With this in mind you should have already trained yourself to always be aware of your surroundings at all times. An example of poor awareness is walking through an unlit park on your own, or texting, how many people do you see walking down the street with their gaze fixed on their mobile phone?

Think of it like driving a car, the good driver is constantly on the look out for a cyclist to pull out of a blind junction, or a child to run out in the road near a parade of shops or the driver on the motorway who pulls out in front of you with no warning signal. Therefore the careful Taekwondo student is constantly monitoring their situation/surroundings.

Although you can learn many self defence skills in a relatively short period of time, the key to utilising them comes from your state of mind. Confidence, calmness and having the ability to think clearly under the stress of a possible attack are the essential elements in successful self protection, every month (2nd Wednesday in the month) we run a dedicated self defence class at our Glenmoor school venue. Of course you can always choose a dedicated 1-2-1 session.

Do I need any special equipment?

Yes, you will need a pair of hand wraps and also a pair of boxing gloves, which are available from your Instructor, it takes a while to learn how to wrap your hands but once you’ve learned the skill they protect your wrists, while the knuckles are protected by the padded boxing gloves. For your first class you can normally borrow your partners boxing gloves until you purchase your own. 

Be The Best Version Of You

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